Engitec is a fully integrated engineering company
capable to develop inside the various activities necessary
for the construction and start up of complex capital plants
The technological developments during the past decades have allowed the introduction of sensors, actuators and control…
Since the very beginning of Engitec history, research and innovative solutions have represented the background and the foundation of the Company leadership in International Markets.
Complex Plants for recovery of exhaust batteries, commissioned few decades back, may suffer so-called technical…
Engitec Senior Technologists are available to assist the Client during the production set-up as well as to transfer…
Engitec assists and supervise the Customer during the full period of construction, commissioning and start-up phases…
“Proprietary” equipment designed in-house to meet special requirements of the technology are fabricated by SAMEC SpA…
Engineering activities are based on the study of the production process, which is typically tailored to the specific…
The technological developments during the past decades have allowed the introduction of sensors, actuators and control…

Awarded by Metals & Mining Review

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Requirements for the Welding of Metallic Material - Comprehensive Quality Requirements

By American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 14/2018

By American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 14/2018

By American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 14/2018

"NB mark"

"R Symbol"